
Children's Ministry

Children's ministry

Our children’s ministry is growing fast with a very dedicated team of teachers. The children’s ministry has a curriculum and activities for kid groups of all ages from 0 to 17.

The children fellowship with the adults during praise and worship, then break out into groups with their teachers. Activities include study lessons, academic activities and drama. The children present their plays to the general fellowship on occasions like Thanksgiving, Christmas, Resurrection, Children’s Day, etc.

Our children’s ministry has a vision to make disciples out of these children, and to encourage the children to discover and grow in their gifts and talents. Our children’s ministry will grow into having complete programs for the kids for the entire length of the Sunday service.

Women's Department

Ministry at TACNAM MN

Our women’s department is a growing and very dynamic arm of the church. The women’s department is an opportunity for sisters both young and seasoned, single and married to fellowship together, and be trained into becoming grounded disciples for our Lord Jesus Christ.

The women’s department activities include fasting, visitation, book study, etc. Currently, the women are doing a weekly study of the women in the Bible with the hope of drawing inspiration and understanding of how God used ordinary women to achieve His purpose. By His grace we are impacting this generation and hopefully the future for God’s glory.